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Digital Content

E-Books, Audiobooks, Movies, Music & More

Kanopy Free access to thousands of movies with your library card!

Hoopla - Download and stream music, movies, tv shows, audio & e-books

eLibraryNJ - OverDrive is a free service offered by your library that lets you borrow digital content (ebooks, audiobooks & magazines) anytime, anywhere. Be sure you are logged into your eLibraryNJ account so that you see all titles and copies available to LMxAC member library patrons. All you need to get started with free digital content from your library is a library card. Don't have one? Apply online today! 

Digital Public Library of America  All of the materials found through DPLA - photographs, books, maps, news footage, oral histories, personal letters, museum objects, artwork, government documents, and so much more—are free and immediately available in digital format.

Ebsco eBooks - A wide selection of academic ebooks from top publishers and presses

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